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Albert Yancy Beeson

Date of Birth: 22 Sep 1852

Born In: Illinois

Age: 82

Occupation: Wheel-Wright

Marital Status: 

Died: 1 Jun 1935

Cause of Death: 

Death Location: Redwood City

Burial Plot: 99

FindaGrave ID: 236978109

Albert Yancy Beeson


Son of Edward and Mahitable Beeson
-- From the 1937 and 1950 headstone surveys --
Albert J. Beeson 1852-1935
NOTE: the marker is lost but the wooden curb still exists

Additional Information

    Edward Milton Beeson

    Date of Birth: 3 Jun 1827

    Born In: North Caolina

    Age: 78

    Occupation: Wheelwright

    Marital Status: Married

    Died: 25 Dec 1905

    Cause of Death: Heart Failure

    Death Location: Redwood City

    Burial Plot: 99

    FindaGrave ID: 5792842

    Edward Milton Beeson


    December 30, 1905
    Edward M. Beeson Passes Away on Christmas Day.
    Watched the Progress of This City With Interest, and Was a Worthy Man
    Edward Milton Beeson, one of Redwood City's oldest and most respected citizens, passed to his eternal home at noon on Christmas day.
    Mr. Beeson was ill but a few weeks, though he had been ailing for some time. Death was caused by heart failure. For nearly half a century he had resided here. He was an industrious peaceful citizen; one whom every one liked and loved.
    Mr. Beeson was born near Salem, North Carolina in 1827, and at an early age came to California, settling first on the Murphy ranch near Mountain View. He afterwards moved to Pescadero where his eldest son W. W. Beeson, Redwood City's popular blacksmith, was born. A year or so later he moved to Sonoma county, having learned the wagon-making trade. Here he increased his opportunities of a livelihood by learning the carpenter's trade, also a fortunate move, for in those days (1857) the master of but one trade was apt to find himself out of work.
    For five years he lived in Santa Cruz, and then came to San Mateo county, engaging in farming near Pescadero for many years. The longing to again return to his trades resultd in the sale of his farm and his removal to Redwood City, where he built a shop and residence, and settled down to contribute his share towards the up building of the town. From a mere hamlet to a thriving town he interestingly watched its progress, in the meantime working up a large and remunerative trade with the surrounding country.
    Practically retired for many years, he was hail and hearty up to the time of his death and ___lated in the wood work department of his son's shop. For a few years he farmed the old Hop ranch near Ravenswood.
    He married Mehitable Bachelor, who was born in Maine and reared in Illinois, and the children born to their union were: Albert, Alice A., the wife of George Allen, Willie W., Ella V., Edward A., and Henry, who died when young.
    The funeral which took place Wednesday afternoon was largely attended by old friends and acquaintances. Rev. Kirtland held services at the residence of the deceased. Interment was in Union cemetery. The following old friends acted as pall-bearers: Judge Beck, J. H. Mansfield, George W. Lovie, John W. Glennan, P. P. Chamberlain and O. H. Offermann.

    Additional Information

      Edwin Arno Beeson

      Date of Birth: 10 Mar 1858

      Born In: California

      Age: 60

      Occupation: Retired Butcher

      Marital Status: Widowed

      Died: 2 May 1918

      Cause of Death: Cancer of the Liver

      Death Location: Redwood City

      Burial Plot: 99

      FindaGrave ID: 

      Edwin Arno Beeson


      Son of Edwin and Mahitable Beeson

      Additional Information

        Ella Virginia Beeson

        Date of Birth: 4 Mar 1860

        Born In: Healdburg, Sonoma

        Age: 83

        Occupation: At home

        Marital Status: Single

        Died: 5 May 1943

        Cause of Death: Bronchal pneumonia

        Death Location: Redwood City

        Burial Plot: 99

        FindaGrave ID: 236979056

        Ella Virginia Beeson


        Death Takes 80-Year R. C. Resident
        Miss Ella V. Beeson, 83, passed away at her home at 106 Buckeye St. yesterday after a long illness. Funeral services will be conducted from the Layng & Tinney Funeral Home tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, and internment will be at Union Cemetery.
        Miss Beeson had lived at the Buckeye St. address for 70 years, a relative, Charles Beeson, making his home with her. She was born in Healdburg, Sonoma County, but at the age of 3 came to this community with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Beeson. Her father was a wheelwright and carried on his pioneer business in a little establishment on the present site of the Beeson Tanning Co. on El Camino Real.
        She was the sister of Mrs. Alice Allen of 122 Buckeye St. and of the late William Beeson, Albert Beeson, and Edwin Beeson.

        Additional Information

          Ida Luella Beeson

          Date of Birth: 29 Dec 1882

          Born In: Sonoma

          Age: 6

          Occupation: Child

          Marital Status: Single

          Died: 3 Jan 1888

          Cause of Death: 

          Death Location: Redwood City

          Burial Plot: 99

          FindaGrave ID: 5792845

          Ida Luella Beeson


          Daughter of Willis and Elizabeth Beeson
          -- From the 1937 headstone survey --
          (Not sure if these were on 1 monument or individual monuments..)
          Albert M. Beeson 1864-1887
          Ida Luella Beeson 1882-1888
          NOTE: Albert M. Beeson is recorded as dying at age 3.
          So the 1864 is probably 1884

          Additional Information

            Mehetable “Mary” Beeson

            Date of Birth: 27 JAN 1836

            Born In: Maine

            Age: 79


            Marital Status: Widowed

            Died: 13 Nov 1915

            Cause of Death: 

            Death Location: Redwood City

            Burial Plot: 99

            FindaGrave ID: 236870330

            Mehetable “Mary” Beeson


            Additional Information

              Susan “Susie” A Brown Beeson

              Date of Birth: 1862

              Born In: Illinois

              Age: 41


              Marital Status: Married

              Died: 10 Mar 1903

              Cause of Death: Pneumonia

              Death Location: Mayfield

              Burial Plot: 99

              FindaGrave ID: 5792848

              Susan “Susie” A Brown Beeson


              MRS. EDWIN A. BEESON
              Redwood City Democrat
              March 12, 1903
              Mrs. Edwin A. Beeson died at her home at Mayfield Tuesday afternoon after a short illness from pneumonia. Mrs. Beeson was formerly Miss Susie Brown, a native of Illinois, her father being the late Leonard Brown, a well-known pioneer of Mayfield. She was married to her husband eighteen years ago and leaves two daughters - Lela aged 17 and Susie aged 14. The former is a graduate of Sequoia High School and is now completing her education at the San Jose Normal and the latter is attending the high school here. After her marriage, Mrs. Beeson resided in Redwood until a few months ago when she moved to Mayfield. Her untimely death is a sore bereavement to her family, who have the sincere sympathy of all. She will be buried in Union Cemetery this afternoon at 2 o'clock.

              Additional Information

                Leslie Bell

                Date of Birth: 1886

                Born In: San Gregorio

                Age: 12

                Occupation: Child

                Marital Status: Single

                Died: 10 Nov 1898

                Cause of Death: Mortification of Bowels

                Death Location: San Gregorio

                Burial Plot: 

                FindaGrave ID: 5792860


                Additional Information

                  Robert Bell

                  Date of Birth: 1828

                  Born In: Scotland

                  Age: 79

                  Occupation: Farmer

                  Marital Status: Single

                  Died: 6 Feb 1907

                  Cause of Death: Senilis

                  Death Location: County Hospital

                  Burial Plot: 40

                  FindaGrave ID: 5792864


                  Additional Information

                    Wallace Bell

                    Date of Birth: 1877

                    Born In: 

                    Age: 25


                    Marital Status: 

                    Died: 4 Aug 1902

                    Cause of Death: Fracture of the skull & shock

                    Death Location: South San Francisco

                    Burial Plot: PG

                    FindaGrave ID: 5792871


                    Additional Information