Roy Tribolet
Date of Birth: 1900
Born In: Redwood City
Age: < 1 year
Occupation: Infant
Marital Status: Single
Died: 31 Oct 1900
Cause of Death:
Death Location: Redwood City
Burial Plot: J33
FindaGrave ID: 264016404
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William George Tribolet
Date of Birth: 27 Mar 1879
Born In: Kentucky
Age: 45
Occupation: House Mover
Marital Status: Single
Died: 8 Feb 1925
Cause of Death:
Death Location: Redwood City
Burial Plot: J33
FindaGrave ID: 239089690
Redwood City Standard
Nov. 13, 1924
Wm. Tribelot, well known Redwood City man, passed away last Saturday night following a long illness. The deceased was the son of the late Gottlieb and Anna Tribelot and brother of Mrs. Anna Nelson, Henry G, Fred, John J. and the late Edward A. Tribelot. The parents were among the early settlers in Redwood and for many years conducted a hotel and boarding house on Broadway. William was the youngest son of the family and was born in Louisville, Kentucky, he being five years of age when his parents came to Redwood. He was forty-five years old.
The funeral was held Tuesday from the home of James Crowe Co., services being conducted by Rev. E. J. Maloney of St. Peters Episcopal Church. Interment in Union Cemetery.
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Benjamin Tripp
Date of Birth:
Born In:
Marital Status:
Died: 23 Aug 1862
Cause of Death:
Death Location: Searsville
Burial Plot: PG
FindaGrave ID: 253551257
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Caleb Trowbridge
Date of Birth: 30 Aug 1849
Born In:
Age: 58
Occupation: Roofer
Marital Status:
Died: 27 Mar 1908
Cause of Death:
Death Location: Redwood City
Burial Plot: GAR
FindaGrave ID: 122317510

Caleb Trowbridge joined Company M, 1st Connecticut Cavalry on December 18, 1863 at the age of 14 years. July 1, 1865 he was promoted to corporal at the age of 16 years. Rode with General Phillip Sheridan's in raids around Richmond Virginia starting May 9, 1864 and including the Battle of Yellow Tavern.
Other Battles included:
The Wilderness starting May 5, 1864, Todd's Tavern May 7 1864
Spottsylvania Courthouse May 8 through May 24 1864, Ashland Station May 11, 1864, Winchester September 1864, Cedar Creek October 19, 1864 and Five Forks April 1, 1865
After October 1864 he served under General George Armstrong Custer.
He was at Appomattox April 09,1865 during the surrender of General Robert E. Lee. His company was enroute to encounter General Joseph E. Johnston before his surrender to General Sherman in April of 1865.
His Regiment mustered out of service on August 2, 1865.
Caleb and his brother Elisha were in the carpentry business after the war according to The History of the Trowbridges. After the Panic of 1873 his business failed he returned to New Haven Connecticut to start a business there. He later moved to Los Angeles, California where he injured himself when he fell off of a roof while working as a roofer.
It’s not clear how he got to Redwood City since he was in a Veteran’s Retirement Home in Los Angles after his injury but it may have been to be close to his first wife, Adela Louisa Merwin who died in San Mateo in 1930.
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Amos Troyer
Date of Birth: 21 Jul 1859
Born In: Canada
Age: 26
Occupation: Millman
Marital Status: Single
Died: 8 May 1886
Cause of Death: Killed by a Fly Wheel
Death Location: Pescadero
Burial Plot: U147
FindaGrave ID: 253551562
REDWOOD CITY, May 10th - A young man, Amos Troyer, aged 26 was killed last Saturday at Wurr's mill, near Pescadero, having been caught in a fly wheel. When last seen Troyer was oiling the machinery. When found his body was in a horribly mangled condition. A corner's inquest was held and a verdict of accidental death was given. Troyer was a native of Canada, aged 26. He was buried here today.
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Baby Turner
Date of Birth: 3 Aug 1930
Born In: Redwood City
Age: 0
Occupation: Infant
Marital Status: Single
Died: 3 Aug 1930
Cause of Death: Stillborn
Death Location: Redwood City
Burial Plot: 133
FindaGrave ID: 264017034

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James Wood Turner
Date of Birth: 17 May 1815
Born In: New York
Age: 67
Occupation: Retired Merchant
Marital Status: Married
Died: 28 Nov 1882
Cause of Death:
Death Location: Redwood City
Burial Plot: 133
FindaGrave ID: 238095186

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Jerome W Turner
Date of Birth: 1845
Born In: New York
Age: 54
Occupation: Cabinet Maker
Marital Status: Single
Died: 24 Aug 1899
Cause of Death: Pistol Shot wound
Death Location: Redwood City
Burial Plot: 133
FindaGrave ID: 238095517

Jerome Turner, crazed with liquor and maddened with jealousy, shot and killed the object of his affection, Mrs. Lillie Stalter, last Thursday, then turning the weapon upon himself, completed his work, sending a bullet into his own brain.
Turner had been a boarder at the home of Mrs. A.A. Titus for some time. On the morning of the tragedy he accompanied Mrs. Titus and her daughter to the city to see the big parade in honor of the returning volunteers. During the day they went to Oakland and while there Turner asked Mrs. Stalter to marry him, which proposition was rejected by both ladies. They returned to the city, where Turner separated from them and was not seen again until they reached Redwood on the 5:11 train, when he took the bus and arrived at the house in advance of the ladies.
When Mrs. Titus and her daughter entered the house they were met by Turner who shouted “Now I’ve got you” and began firing.
Two shots were fired and Mrs. Stalter fell to the floor dying. The murderer attempted to turn the weapon on Mrs. Titus but she grappled with him and struggling reached the front door and ran out into the street crying murder. Turner then shot himself.
Constable Gunning, hearing the shots and cries, was the first to enter the house. He was followed by others and the scene that met their gaze was a bloody one. Lying on the floor were the murderer and his victim, both breathing their last. Coroner Crowe was notified and shortly afterward the body of Turner was removed to the morgue and that of Mrs. Stalter placed on a lounge until viewed by the coroner’s jury during the evening.
The funerals took place at Union Cemetery Saturday afternoon. Turner was buried at 2 o’clock and Mrs. Stalter at 3:30. Rev. B.G. Lee of San Mateo officiated in both cases and read the service of the Fšpiscopal Church.
Mrs. Stalter was a native of Redwood, aged 40 years. Her maiden name was Augusta Oralie Chew. She was a most estimable lady. Jerome W. Turner was a native of New York and was 54 years old. He was a machinist and cabinet maker by trade and accounted of a good workman. During the past few months his queer actions were noticed by many and he was believed to be losing his mind. Added to this was his inclination to drink heavily at times.
An inquest was held Monday evening in Justice Hannon’s office by Deputy Coroner Claude Fox and the following jurors who had viewed the bodies on the evening of the tragedy: J. W. Glennar, A. Hilson, Wm Dillin, B.F. Cooper, G. Einstein, F.W. Glennan.
Mrs. AA. Titus testified on part as follows “On Thursday, Aug 24, I left Redwood on the 8 am train. Mr. Turner and my daughter accompanied me. We went to San Francisco with a view of seeing the decorations and also with the intention of visiting my son who I thought was at Alvarado in Alameda County. While we were at the Oakland Mole, Mr. Turner proposed that we go to Oakland and that he and Lillie get married there. He had never said anything about marrying before and I was very much surprised at the proposition. I said to Lillie “You have just got thru or clear with one trouble and for God’s sake don’t get into another". The trouble I referred to was her marriage and divorce. Turner then said “See here, Lil” and he stepped to one side and whispered to her. I do not know what he said. He then said to my daughter “Well, what have you decided to do?” and she replied “go with mama”. We then took the boat for San Francisco. Mr. Turner accompanied us, but on the boat did not stay near us.
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Marcella G Turner
Date of Birth: 18 Jul 1819
Born In: New York
Age: 75
Marital Status: Widow
Died: 1 Feb 1895
Cause of Death: Jaundice
Death Location: Redwood City
Burial Plot: 133
FindaGrave ID: 238095676

Redwood City Democrat - February 7, 1895
On Sunday last all that was mortal of Mrs. M. G. Turner was laid to rest in Union Cemetery. The funeral took place from her late residence on A Street, Rev. A. L. Brewer of San Mateo, conducting the services at the house and Rev. Morgan of San Mateo officiating at the grave.
Owing to the fact that it was expressed wish of the relatives that the funeral should be a private one, the attendance was confined to immediate friends and neighbors. Deceased was a native of New York and had reached the advanced age of 75 years. She was an old and highly respected citizen of Redwood City having settled here over thirty years ago with her husband J. W. Turner who will be remembered as the pioneer undertaker of the town who died in 1882. The following acted as pallbearers at the funeral Judge Buck, B. F. Cooper, L. Werder, L. M. Howard, A. Jumel and C. Littlejohn.
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Emma Twombly
Date of Birth: 1853
Born In: Maine
Age: 33
Marital Status: Married
Died: 20 Dec 1886
Cause of Death:
Death Location: Redwood City
Burial Plot: U147
FindaGrave ID: 253446007
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