Laura Lunt
Date of Birth: 25 Mar 1874
Born In: Minnesota
Age: 52
Occupation: At home
Marital Status: Married
Died: 13 Jun 1926
Cause of Death:
Death Location: Dumbarton Ave
Burial Plot: 40
FindaGrave ID: 247014267
Wife of Charles A Lunt
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Augusta Ellen Lurvey
Date of Birth: 1836
Born In:
Age: 36
Marital Status:
Died: 26 Nov 1872
Cause of Death:
Death Location: Redwood City
Burial Plot: IOOF
FindaGrave ID: 247014575
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Samuel Foxcroft Lurvey
Date of Birth: 1819
Born In: Maine
Age: 80
Marital Status: Widowed
Died: 21 Oct 1899
Cause of Death: Remittent Fever
Death Location: Thermalito, CA
Burial Plot: IOOF
FindaGrave ID: 13899222
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Claude Lutje
Date of Birth: 17 Mar 1913
Born In: Redwood City
Age: 1 month 24 days
Occupation: Infant
Marital Status: Single
Died: 11 May 1913
Cause of Death: Cholera infantum
Death Location: Redwood City
Burial Plot: H37
FindaGrave ID: 247014721
Additional Information

Margaret May Lutje
Date of Birth: 7 Sep 1908
Born In: California
Age: 2 months
Occupation: Infant
Marital Status: Single
Died: 8 Nov 1908
Cause of Death: Disease of the heart
Death Location: Redwood City
Burial Plot:
FindaGrave ID: 13899233
Additional Information

Edward Lynch
Date of Birth: 1880
Born In:
Age: 50
Occupation: Laborer
Marital Status:
Died: 7 Jan 1930
Cause of Death: Alcoholism
Death Location: Evelyn St., Menlo Park
Burial Plot:
FindaGrave ID: 237108490
Additional Information

George Lynch
Date of Birth: 1853
Born In: California
Age: 64
Occupation: Laborer at Cod Fishery
Marital Status: Single
Died: 23 Jul 1917
Cause of Death:
Death Location: Redwood City
Burial Plot: 62
FindaGrave ID: 237108396
Redwood City Democrat
July 26, 1917
Old employee of Alaska Codfish Co, dies suddenly.
George Lynch, an employee of the Alaska Codfish Company in this city for a number of years, was found dead in his bed at the plant Monday morning. An autopsy conducted by Dr. F. S. Gregory at the Redwood City Undertaking parlors where the remains were taken showed that the deceased died from heart trouble. A coroner's jury brought in a verdict to that effect Saturday morning.
Lynch was a native of California and was about 64 years of age. The funeral was held yesterday morning from the parlors of the Redwood City Undertaking Company, the interment being in Union Cemetery of this city.
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Date of Birth:
Born In:
Marital Status:
Cause of Death:
Death Location:
Burial Plot:
FindaGrave ID:
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May B Lyon
Date of Birth: 30 Apr 1899
Born In: Palo Alto
Age: 11 days
Occupation: Infant
Marital Status: Single
Died: 11 May 1899
Cause of Death: Measles
Death Location: Palo Alto
Burial Plot: 26
FindaGrave ID: 13899243
Additional Information

William Harlow Lyon
Date of Birth: 1827
Born In: Masschusetts
Age: 76
Marital Status: Single
Died: 4 Dec 1903
Cause of Death:
Death Location: County Hospital
Burial Plot: 136
FindaGrave ID: 13899254
Redwood City Democrat
December 10, 1903
William H. Lyon, a resident of this county since 1858 died last Friday. The deceased was a native of Massachusetts, aged 76 years. He was an industrious citizen and respected by all. His funeral took place Sunday afternoon from James Crowe’s undertaking establishment, the interment being in Union Cemetery.
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