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Pompeo Righetti

Date of Birth: 17 Nov 1879

Born In: Switzerland

Age: 56

Occupation: Laborer

Marital Status: Divorced

Died: 15 Nov 1935

Cause of Death: Arterio Sclerotic Heart Disease

Death Location: Community Hospital

Burial Plot: Masonic

FindaGrave ID: 6542780

Pompeo Righetti


Pompeo Righetti Dies of Short Illness
Pompeo Righetti, 55 year old laborer who lived at 411 Stambaugh, died last night after a brief illness.
A native of Switzerland, Righetti had lived in California for 37 years, much of the time in Redwood City.
Left to mourn him are two daughters, Yola Righetti of Salinas and Anna Righetti of Soledad. He was a member of the San Simeon Lodge No. 196, Free and Accepted Masons, of Cambria, California.
Funeral services, date of which has not been set, will be held from the Layng & Tinney funeral parlors, where friends may call.

Additional Information

    Samuel Herbert Riley

    Date of Birth: 30 Nov 1846

    Born In: New York

    Age: 77

    Occupation: Carpenter

    Marital Status: Married

    Died: 12 Mar 1924

    Cause of Death: Embolism

    Death Location: Community Hospital

    Burial Plot: 

    FindaGrave ID: 250972886


    Redwood City Tribune
    March 12, 1924

    Samuel Herbert Riley, long time resident of Menlo Park, died at 8 o’clock this morning. His funeral will be held at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon. Burial will be held in Union Cemetery.
    Mr. Riley, who was 78 years old, was a native of New York. About a year ago, he had been badly hurt in an automobile accident and has been disabled for a long time and had only recently recovered from the effects of this. His death was due to heart trouble.

    Additional Information

      Thomas Ritchey

      Date of Birth: 1831

      Born In: Massachusettes

      Age: 58

      Occupation: Lumberman

      Marital Status: Single

      Died: 12 Nov 1889

      Cause of Death: 

      Death Location: Redwood City

      Burial Plot: JRB

      FindaGrave ID: 250973148


      Additional Information

        Isabella L Ritchie

        Date of Birth: 20 Apr 1804

        Born In: Jamaica

        Age: 77


        Marital Status: Widowed

        Died: 9 Dec 1881

        Cause of Death: 

        Death Location: Tehama

        Burial Plot: 162

        FindaGrave ID: 250973571


        The Times and Gazette
        December 17th, 1881
        Death of Mrs. Ritchie

        Mrs. Isabella Ritchie, the venerable mother of Mrs. James Crowe, of this place, died quite suddenly at the residence of another daughter, Mrs. Anna Dennis, at Tehama, on Friday morning, of last week. Mrs. Ritchie had not been ailing at all until within a couple of days of her death, when she complained of a difficulty in breathing and some pain in her chest. This was overcome after a little, and on Thursday she was more comfortable, and able to be about the house. But she had a presentment that her end was near at hand, and insisted on giving final directions as to herself and messages to absent ones. She passed a comfortable night Thursday, and Friday morning was feeling even better, until after breakfast, when she experienced a revival of the difficulty in breathing,
        and insisted that she was going. Her daughter, Mrs. Dennis,
        ministered to her, and supported her in her arms as she reclined upon the
        bed, talking pleasantly and encouragingly to her. Soon the old lady
        seemed to fall asleep, and Mrs. Dennis continued to hold her lest she should disturb her by laying her down. Presently Mr. Dennis entered
        the room and discovered that she was dead. She had passed away
        so quietly and peacefully that her daughter merely supposed she had fallen asleep.
        Mrs. Ritchie was born in Jamaica, West Indies Islands, April 20, 1804, of
        Scotch parentage. Her husband. Rev. Wm. Ritchie, was an English
        Wesleyan missionary, located at Jamaica. He died about twenty years
        ago, leaving Mrs. Ritchie with four daughters just verging upon womanhood. A short time afterwards the illness of one of the daughters suggested a change of climate, and Canada being recommended,
        she moved there, settling in Kingston. There three of the daughters married, one to Mr. James Crowe, now of this place, another to Mr. George Roche, now of San Francisco, and the third
        to Mr. Twaites, of Jamaica, where she now resides. Mr. and Mrs.
        Crowe soon moved to this Coast, where they were visited by the unmarried
        daughter, who was so well pleased with the climate that she returned
        and brought her mother out. Mr. and Mrs. Roche soon followed.
        Elizabeth, the unmarried daughter, was afterwards won by Amos Dennis, then of this place, and now of Tehama. Mrs. Ritchie has ever since passed her time alternately with these three daughters, at either of whose homes she was ever a welcome guest. She was a woman of great intelligence, thorough education and strong religious convictions. She was, indeed, "a mother in Israel," and having an abiding faith in a living Redeemer, was at all times prepared to meet the great change. She lived to a good old age, a blessing to her children and her children's children, passing her time in works of charity and love, beloved by all who were so fortunate as to enjoy
        her acquaintance.
        At her own request her remains were brought to this place for burial. The funeral was numerously attended from the Episcopal Church last Monday afternoon, the Rev. R. H. Church officiating, and the Rev. Mr. Sink, of the Congregational Church, assisting. The interment took place in Mr. Crowe's beautiful lot in Union Cemetery.

        Additional Information

          Manuel Rivera

          Date of Birth: 15 Dec 1915

          Born In: 

          Age: 2

          Occupation: Infant

          Marital Status: Single

          Died: 2 Mar 1918

          Cause of Death: 

          Death Location: Redwood City

          Burial Plot: 

          FindaGrave ID: 250974559


          Additional Information

            Preston Rives

            Date of Birth: Mar 1867

            Born In: Georgia

            Age: 62

            Occupation: Former Deputy Sheriff of Santa Clara

            Marital Status: Widowed

            Died: 18 Sep 1929

            Cause of Death: Bronchial Pneumonia

            Death Location: Santa Clara

            Burial Plot: 

            FindaGrave ID: 250974733


            Rites to Be Held For Deputy Sheriff
            REDWOOD CITY - Sept. 20 - Preston Rives, 62, former deputy sheriff in Santa Clara county, and who has been employed here, was to be buried in Union Cemetery today following funeral services this morning at which Rev. Charles E. Winning of the First Methodist Episcopal church officiated. Rives died in the San Jose Hospital Wednesday. He is survived by two sons, Charles Rives of San Francisco and Percy Rives of Irvington.

            Additional Information

              Amos Roberts

              Date of Birth: 1822

              Born In: Maine

              Age: 66

              Occupation: Farmer/Servant

              Marital Status: Married

              Died: 12 Apr 1888

              Cause of Death: 

              Death Location: Redwood City

              Burial Plot: O129

              FindaGrave ID: 249626284


              AMOS ROBERTS
              Times Gazette
              April 21, 1888

              Last week, we noticed briefly the death of Amos Roberts of this place. Mr. Roberts has been in the employ of the Hawes family for the past eighteen years and but little is known of his former history. Thirty years ago, he came to California from Maine with his wife, a daughter, and two sons. He was wealthy, possessing a fortune of at least $100,000. Three years later his wife and daughter died and to lessen the pangs of grief at the loss of his wife and child, he look to drink. His two boys were taken care of by a kind lady friend and raised, one afterwards dying of small pox. From that time the unfortunate man sank lower and lower, yielding hopelessly to the demon of drink. His wealth vanished and without money or friends, he came to this county. Mr. Roberts has always been known here as one who spent his earnings for drink but never during his deepest courtesy which belong only to a man of intelligence and refinement. His last years were spent with Mr. Schroeder doing light work about the place. His fondness for little children made him a general favorite with the family. During his illness, he was kindly cared for by the Schroders and his remains were interred at their expense. His son died two weeks ago in San Francisco from consumption.

              Additional Information

                James Roberts

                Date of Birth: 1810

                Born In: New Jersey

                Age: 54


                Marital Status: 

                Died: 17 Feb 1864

                Cause of Death: 

                Death Location: Weeks Ranch

                Burial Plot: E60

                FindaGrave ID: 250975011


                Additional Information

                  John Harvey Roberts

                  Date of Birth: 1881

                  Born In: Iowa

                  Age: 45


                  Marital Status: 

                  Died: 27 Apr 1927

                  Cause of Death: 

                  Death Location: Community Hospital

                  Burial Plot: PG

                  FindaGrave ID: 250975212


                  Additional Information


                    San Mateo Times Gazette, 18 July 1891
                    J. L. ROBINSON'S DEATH Sudden Demise of a Well-Known Citizen and Mason
                    John Logan Robinson died at the residence of H.M. Covert on Phelps Street, Thursday at 7 o'clock p.m. while sitting on his easy chair, without pain, his wife and daughter with Mr. Covert and family being present. Mr Robinson had passed the sixty-ninth milestone of his earthly race, was born in the State of Indiana, lived some time in Illinois, where forty years ago he became an entered apprentice in a Masonic Lodge, and cast his lot in California in 1861. He came to this county fourteen years ago. Up to two years ago he worked at his trade when the malady that brought him to his end began first to display itself. Since the 1st of May he has been a very sick man, suffering extremely, a mystery to himself and others so that he exacted a solemn promise of his friends that an autopsy should be made after his death. This was made yesterday morning by Drs. Ross, Barret, Froeman and Loveland and revealed the fact that the cause of death was "cirrhosis of the liver" a condition of Infiltration sympathetically affecting the lungs and inducing dropsy. The patient could not lie down and was compelled to lean forward to secure immunity from suffocation. Finally all pain passed away and, closing his eyes, he slept the sleep that knows no waking, without fear. Mr. Robinson was a good citizen, a faithful husband, peaceable and useful and Master Mason and member of San Mateo Lodge, No. 168 F. and A.M.

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