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Ralph Jesse Brandrup

Date of Birth: 1893

Born In: California

Age: 22

Occupation: Automobile Machinist

Marital Status: Single

Died: 22 Aug 1915

Cause of Death: Auto Accident

Death Location: Fresno

Burial Plot: F24

FindaGrave ID: 244624764


Redwood City Democrat
August 16, 1915

Ralph Brandrup killed when auto turns over.

Ralph Brandrup, a well known Redwood City boy and son of Mrs. A. Rasmussen of Selby Lane, was fatally injured at Fresno last Saturday morning when an automobile he was driving turned over three times. Brandrup was thrown forty feet from the car when it made the last somersault. The unfortunate young man died the same night at a Fresno Sanitarium. The accident was caused by a tire exploding.
The body was shipped to this city. The funeral will take place today from the Congregational Church at 10 o’clock and interment will be in Union Cemetery. The deceased was born in Redwood City and was 22 years old, Besides his mother and stepfather, he is survived by one brother, Joseph Brandrup and a sister, Mrs. Vincent Rodgers of Palo Alto.

Additional Information

    Carol Eileen Branson

    Date of Birth: 1934

    Born In: Redwood City

    Age: 4 months

    Occupation: Infant

    Marital Status: Single

    Died: 22 Aug 1934

    Cause of Death: 

    Death Location: Glenwood Ave., Menlo Park

    Burial Plot: 

    FindaGrave ID: 244688547


    Additional Information

      Katherine Brant

      Date of Birth: 23 Aug 1877

      Born In: Maine

      Age: 31


      Marital Status: Married

      Died: 14 Mar 1909

      Cause of Death: Pneumonia

      Death Location: Merritt Hospital, Oakland

      Burial Plot: 135

      FindaGrave ID: 5815424


      Redwood City Democrat
      March 18, 1909
      Passed away at Oakland
      Mrs. Katherine Brant, wife of Louis Brant, passed away unexpectedly in Oakland Sunday, the result of an operation for appendicitis. The deceased was a native of Maine aged 31 years and besides her husband leaves to mourn her two young sons, Allen and Norman. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the undertaking parlors of James Crowe and was attended by many friends. The interment was in Union Cemetery, Rev. Mr. Leak conducted services at the grave.

      Additional Information

        William Bray

        Date of Birth: 1853

        Born In: England

        Age: 80

        Occupation: Ranch hand

        Marital Status: Single

        Died: 9 Sep 1933

        Cause of Death: Senility

        Death Location: Arata Ranch, Kings Mountain

        Burial Plot: 

        FindaGrave ID: 244689367


        Additional Information

          Marty Brennan

          Date of Birth: 1850

          Born In: South San Francisco

          Age: 55


          Marital Status: 

          Died: 10 Jul 1905

          Cause of Death: Heart Fairlure

          Death Location: South San Francisco

          Burial Plot: PG

          FindaGrave ID: 5815430


          Additional Information

            Christopher Brickwedel

            Date of Birth: 1825

            Born In: Germany

            Age: 44


            Marital Status: 

            Died: 18 Jun 1869

            Cause of Death: 

            Death Location: Belmont

            Burial Plot: PG

            FindaGrave ID: 244689894


            Additional Information

              Beno Brieger

              Date of Birth: 9 Mar 1896

              Born In: Redwood City

              Age: 8 days

              Occupation: Infant

              Marital Status: Single

              Died: 17 Mar 1896

              Cause of Death: 

              Death Location: Redwood City

              Burial Plot: 35

              FindaGrave ID: 5815438


              Additional Information

                Fred Briggan

                Date of Birth: 1865

                Born In: Switzerland

                Age: 38


                Marital Status: 

                Died: 2 Nov 1903

                Cause of Death: Alcoholism

                Death Location: Near Woodside

                Burial Plot: L48

                FindaGrave ID: 5815445


                Additional Information

                  Jacob Briggen

                  Date of Birth: 1856

                  Born In: Switzerland

                  Age: 43


                  Marital Status: Married

                  Died: 28 Dec 1899

                  Cause of Death: Heart Failure

                  Death Location: On summit near Woodside

                  Burial Plot: H90

                  FindaGrave ID: 5815452


                  Additional Information

                    Jacob Briggon

                    Date of Birth: 1833

                    Born In: Switzerland

                    Age: 56

                    Occupation: Farmer

                    Marital Status: Married

                    Died: 31 Dec 1889

                    Cause of Death: 

                    Death Location: On the Summit

                    Burial Plot: L48

                    FindaGrave ID: 5815458


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