John George Wunder

John George Wunder

Date of Birth: 1861

Born In: Minnesota

Age: 42

Occupation: Cook

Marital Status: Married

Died: 25 Jan 1903

Cause of Death: Cirrhosis of Liver

Death Location: Redwood City

Burial Plot: G22

FindaGrave ID: 252327760


Redwood City Democrat
January 29, 1903

John George Wunder, who for the past twelve years made his home at Tribolet’s boarding house, died Saturday after a short illness. The deceased was a native of Minnesota, aged 42 years. But little is known of him other than that his parents are still living in Minnesota and are in well to do circumstances. Wunder was a man of intelligence, having been a university graduate. In addition to having a good education, he was a linguist of more than ordinary ability. Why he should have chosen a life rough toil was never explained, because he was unusually reticent about his affairs. To his intimates it was known that he was married, but whether his wife is living or dead is a secret which he did not divulge. An idolized daughter survives, with whom he corresponded regularly and frequently sent presents. When his parents heard of his death, they immediately telegraphed that money had been mailed to pay his expenses.

The deceased was a favorite in the Tribolet household and died surrounded by every comfort. He was interred in Union Cemetery Tuesday afternoon, services being held at the Congregational Church.

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